Visit us

The Ren is at the corner of Princeton and McRae.
Our address is:

415 E Princeton St
Orlando, FL 32803

Apple Maps linkGoogle Maps link

We don’t have a phone or regular office hours.
You can email!

Here’s the building! This is actually the back and those double doors are an exit. Please enter on the other side, on McRae Ave.

This is the back of the building! The main entrances are on the other side, on McRae Ave. Follow the signs when you arrive for a show or event.

1. Parking

There is often parking available in the garages near the theatre, along McRae Ave or Alden Rd.

Apple Maps link to McRae Ave
Google Maps link to McRae Ave

The garages in the immediate vicinity are usually open or reduced-rate in the evenings. Please take care of our neighbors and follow all posted signs. There is no overnight parking.

Please don’t park on the street on McRae Ave itself—it’s a fire lane.

2. Entrances

We have a few and like to change it up =D
For shows and events, follow the signs when you arrive!

  • McRae entrance: under the awning with the terracotta roof tiles, next to the dumpsters, in front of the building. It’s the black glass door with the Ren logo on it.

  • Stage door and deliveries: under the black awning on McRae Ave, closer to the corner. It says “Stage Door” on it.

  • Back doors: the double doors in the photo. Walk along the sidewalk on Princeton St until you hit the ramp around the back of the building, next to the SunRail platform.


^ Hello Orlando. We’re all from here.