They’re back! This page is our archive from the show on July 1, 2022. –ed

It’s Wild, this West…

Step inside the haunted saloon at The World Famous Bullock Hotel for a rhythm & blues, country, rock-fueled, ghost-ridin’ romp across the Wild West!

Orlando Fringe Festival Lifetime Achievement Award recipient David Lee’s new outlaw band features: The Internationally Renowned Fringe favorite Tymisha Harris, the song stylings of Eddie Cooper, and Matt Lynx, The 2022 Orlando Fringe Critic's Choice Award recipient for "Best Performance Musical"!

“What a Treat… this is top drawer stuff”

“The music, performed by a powerhouse band, ranges from rockabilly to classic rock to lonesome country... with it’s ghostly atmosphere, one might say it’s timeless...”

One Night Only!

July 1st | 7:30pm

Extended… They’re back!

Tickets $30

(pretty cheap for Art)


David Lee
Tymisha Harris
Eddie Cooper
Matt Lynx
Bryce Hayes
Randall Scandall
Tom O'Hern
Tanner Kaiser