The Donors, in 2025

These people have donated this year! Be like them.
Admire them. Because we sure do.

Donate today and help us continue what they started.

This is a Squarespace stock photo just like The Founders page, but it’s a vibe too, so it’s like a running joke now, okay?

Okay here is the list

(our co-founder is still donating. it’s cool)

Chris Kampmeier

It me. Thank you to everyone below for helping fund this crazy idea.
Pretty much all of your money is directly creating jobs for artists and paying them a living wage. I think that’s pretty cool. –CK

“Extremely Generous.”

David Lowe

“Even More Generous.” ($5,000+)

Diane Teixeira

Sarah Barcousky

Crew Health


“The 4-Figure Club.” ($1,000+)

All About The Kidz Incorporated

Kay Allen

Advantage Solutions Pay it Forward Fund

Lisa Bates (In Honor of Mamma B)

Sarah Barcousky

Frederick Berning

Brian Brammer

Barbara and Jim Caldwell

Fairbanks/Hodak Family

Florida Theatrical Association

Christy Folk

Melanie Galiardo

Landon St. Gordon

Crew Community Health Inc.

Dakota Hemberger

Patrick James

Kashime Joseph

Chris Kampmeier Sr.

Adam Ledo

Deanie Lowe

Jackie and Frank Page

Darian Payne

Frederic and Brent Potvin

Sarah Ruggieri

Sabrina Smarse

Percent Impact Foundation

Jake, Madison, and Juliette Teixeira

Cornelius (Neil) James Starkey IV

“Generous.” ($500+)

Janette Anderson

Martin Folk

Deion Galindo

Matthew Hughes

Kim Koga-Blair

Mike and Jennifer Kovacs

Melyssa Marshall

Gerald (Jerry) Mullings

Mary Palmer Family Foundation

Donald Rupe

Robert Stack

Joseph Saunders

Jennifer (Nifer) Sims

Leiland Theriot

“So Nice, Thank You Very Much.” (up to $499)

Kristi Abais

Eric Acosta

Amir Aldabagh

Chandler Altman

Alejandro Baez

Nitin Bakshi

Caleb Barnes

Angel Barron

Nicholas Bazo

Fred Berning

Elimelec Berrios

Alison Blackwell

Megan Boetto

Juliene Botticello

Brendan Bowles

James Braun

Chris Brewer

Matt Broffman

Austin Brown

Joffrey Brown

Victor Brown

Scot Brown

Dani Bucaro

Bryan Burckle

Daniel Byrne

Matthew Cameron

Terry Campbell

Chad Campbell

Cailey Campbell

Randall Carpenter

David Cerretani

Alvaro Chacon Bustos

Betsy S Chapman

Raymond Christianna

Corey Clancy

Alexis Clark

Cody Clark

Kenya Collier

Natale Coombes

Joey Coombs

Steven Cooper

Colin Crabtree

Andy Crisp

Rhys Cuff

Jeffrey Czech

Ashley Davidson

David Delice

Anthony DeSalvia

Olivia DeSantis

Amitpal Dhesi

Santiago Diaz

Boris Diaz

David Dodgen

David Dorman

Trevor Doty

Luke Dougherty

Alana Dryburgh

Philip Duke

Mahmoud Elhady

Noah Faudree

Christy Folk

Sarah Foster

Michael Garcia

Nicholas Gil

Andy Glen

Zoa Glows

Amanda Guenther

Shannon Guinn

Joel Gunter

Edgar Guzman

Wilfredo Guzman

Derek Hague

Benjamin Hall

Shawn Harper

Ivy Harris

Timothy Hawkins

Kevin Heil

Patrick Hennessey

Jaimy Housman

Cristian Huertas

Lee Hurst

Douglas Huston

Richard Jarrell

Ronald Jones

Jessica Jones

Blair K

Chris Kampmeier

Julia Kanfer

Anthony Kang

John Kazaklis

Quynh Kimball

Larry Kinsey

Chris Klinger

Charles Knippen

Dale Laird

Leah Langley

Kenneth Leeming

Anslee Leggett

Alexander Lenhoff

Mariana A Lisboa

Ricardo Lopez

Logan Lorenz

David Lowe

Linden Lund

Kyle Maddens

Parmjit Mangat

Corey March

Kelsey Marrero

Mary Martin

Stuart McGilvray

Keith McIntyre

Megan McMahon

Rory McNamara

Nicole Mehit

Benjamin Mehlan

Callie Miller

Dennis Morris

Oliver Morris

Alexis Muley

Emily Mundinger

Ricardo Muñiz

Benjamin Nevins

Vinh Nguyen

Daniel Nohrden

Kathryn Oates

Matthew Orellana

Annabelle Pace

Chezare Palacios

Christopher Pentecost

Fernando Perdomo-Connot

Haley Pereira

Brannen Perry

Scott Pool

William Powers

Derek Premo

Sean Quinlan

Daniel Rencher

Haley Rockey

Bert Rodriguez

Carlos Rodriguez Gerena

Emma Rollman

Kallen Romero

Jose Rosario Serrano

Jonathan Ross

Mason Rothenberg

Ilana Rothman

Chally Rowjohn

Jeffrey Sadecky

Cassie Sadler

Everett Sanchez

Jay Sanderson

Fidel Santiago

Kyle Scott

Matthew Shoebridge

Andrew Showen

Lydia Silbernagel

Jose Silva

Michael Simpson

Jeremy Singh

Jarred Small

Aiko Smith B

Landon St. Gordon

Cornelius Starkey

Kevin Stewart

Sara Storey

Cody Strode

Amy Sue Hardy

Rebecca Swanson

Daren Swenson

Suzanne Taylor

Alyssa Tengelsen

Kristopher Thompson

Travis Thornton

Luigi Tojerio

Russell Trahan

Stephen Truglio

Brittany Vega

Nick Vichiullio

Philip Valeros

Anais Vazquez Morales

Benny Velazquez

Christopher Villegas

Austin Walker

Keith Walls

Robert Ward

Leah Warren

Brenna Mae Waters

David Watkins

Evan Wells

Toni Wesa

J D Willett

Marcus Williams

Virtue Wilmot

Regan Wilson

Mia Wood

Stephen Zellich

Kayley Zumsteg