Hi! This is an archived page about the benefit concerts in January, 2023.
For the latest about the show, see fromhere.com ❤️ —ed.
Two Benefit Concerts at the Ren
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
6:45 PM and 8:30 PM
Hey babies. From Here is going there. To New York City. At 54 Below. So we need your help to get From Here to there.
In case you somehow missed it, From Here is an original musical by that guy Donald Rupe (with arrangements and orchestrations by Jason M. Bailey). It's been a family affair since the beginning. Blake Aburn is the lead, that Chris guy who owns our building plays the drums, the actors are all the people you know and love.
And it's a story that's deeply personal to us here in Orlando. It's the story of Daniel as he navigates love and a difficult relationship with his mom. The story shifts suddenly as the characters learn about the shooting at Pulse Nightclub, the place that was instrumental in their formative years. As it was in real life for us here, everything kind of stops as this chosen family processes this tragedy in our hometown. From Here is a respectful tribute to a difficult time in many of our lives, and an important reminder of the significance of safe spaces like Pulse in the lives of members of the LGBT+ community.
Now, more than six years after the tragedy that changed Orlando, From Here is more important than ever. It's one perspective of life in the aftermath of a mass shooting. It's a reminder of the lasting impacts of senseless loss due to gun violence. And it's also a story of hope; a reminder of why these memories matter; and the unification of people in the aftermath of horror. It's about love, friendship, and family.
We believe From Here should be seen everywhere. Bringing this show to 54 Below in New York City is, we think, the first step in a longer life for the show. Producers and Investors have been invited to attend in NYC (know someone who should see it-let Donald know!). By the end of it all, this trip will cost us roughly $20,000. This one-night performance in Orlando will benefit the Ren to help cover these costs. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you for your contribution.
Questions or to make a larger donation, Email Donald at donald@rentheatre.com